Ian Jackson

Ian Jackson



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Location Belfast and Manchester
Occupation Professional Landlord
Interests New Business opportunities
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Location Belfast and Manchester
Occupation Professional Landlord
Interests New Business opportunities
Yahoo IM
Bio I bought my first rental property in 1975, and during the years afterwards added one or two extra properties per year, about five years before we sold the Dunmorris business we setup a partnership family trading business to adapt the small portfolio and set a formal trading means for the future. After 2008 I went full time property and over the next two years bought over two hundred properties sold on just over half to fund the business as we were growing at a great speed of knots, this was of coarse before the crash in prices, I had three full time property buyers and a chartered accountant watching the deals and numbers. However it was short lived as the crash here in Northern Ireland has been much more defeating than anywhere in UK. If I tell you a 3bed semi in Belfast in early 2008 market value was £170k, I was buying at £120k, today, October 2013 this same property is being sold on open market at £55k. Dunmorris was my first business that I managed to make a success, this was a new start-up in 1987 when it was a wholesale business selling to retailers in the N. I. motor trade and auto retail businesses. Inside the first three years I became the sole distributor for Sony in car products, adding JVC, Alpine and Radiomobile only months afterwards. Then the mobile phone was born and the business moved to provide supply in this area, however stock was difficult to find as prices were dropping to a level more businesses could afford. Five years on and we became an official BT Cellnet (O2 today) supplier to the B2B market, this we invested in and the rewards were beneficial. We sought to find a more stable supply and become more professional in our delivery of the product. We found this with our sole N.I. distribution with Nokia Mobile Phones, this allowed us to for the first time in Ireland offer a full service back up on the product, and no other manufacturer would seek to support our region in this manner. We proceeded to open seven outlets in Northern Ireland offering sales and service with installation a one stop solution. In 2003 when I was employing 38 people and risen to the level of high importance at that time with O2 in the provision I offered in B2B, not only sales, profit, but more so we knew the business like no other company at that time did. We had O2, Vodafone, T-Mobile shop managers sending us their customers as they could not get electronic mail working for them. Over the years I invested in new technology, every time a new model came out I always had the first one in Northern Ireland, often I imported from Europe and USA so my expert could work out how it would talk to the networks, that expert was my son Tim who in 2003 was only 19 years old, this was his sixth year at this job. At this level I had to decide where next, markets were changing, then I was approached by B.T. Telecom Plc. who sought to buy the business and they did eventually in 2008. Then a new company was born TRRIM LTD. Timothy, Rebecca, Rachel Ian and Matthew, the Jackson family.
Primary Role: PLATINUM
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Member Local Time 25 January 2025  21:07
Last Visit 25 April 2016  06:35
Join Date 19 October 2013  15:03
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Most Recent Forum Post 22 March 2015  11:04
I bought my first rental property in 1975, and during the years afterwards added one or two extra properties per year, about five years before we sold the Dunmorris business we setup a partnership family trading business to adapt the small portfolio and set a formal trading means for the future. After 2008 I went full time property and over the next two years bought over two hundred properties sold on just over half to fund the business as we were growing at a great speed of knots, this was of coarse before the crash in prices, I had three full time property buyers and a chartered accountant watching the deals and numbers. However it was short lived as the crash here in Northern Ireland has been much more defeating than anywhere in UK. If I tell you a 3bed semi in Belfast in early 2008 market value was £170k, I was buying at £120k, today, October 2013 this same property is being sold on open market at £55k. Dunmorris was my first business that I managed to make a success, this was a new start-up in 1987 when it was a wholesale business selling to retailers in the N. I. motor trade and auto retail businesses. Inside the first three years I became the sole distributor for Sony in car products, adding JVC, Alpine and Radiomobile only months afterwards. Then the mobile phone was born and the business moved to provide supply in this area, however stock was difficult to find as prices were dropping to a level more businesses could afford. Five years on and we became an official BT Cellnet (O2 today) supplier to the B2B market, this we invested in and the rewards were beneficial. We sought to find a more stable supply and become more professional in our delivery of the product. We found this with our sole N.I. distribution with Nokia Mobile Phones, this allowed us to for the first time in Ireland offer a full service back up on the product, and no other manufacturer would seek to support our region in this manner. We proceeded to open seven outlets in Northern Ireland offering sales and service with installation a one stop solution. In 2003 when I was employing 38 people and risen to the level of high importance at that time with O2 in the provision I offered in B2B, not only sales, profit, but more so we knew the business like no other company at that time did. We had O2, Vodafone, T-Mobile shop managers sending us their customers as they could not get electronic mail working for them. Over the years I invested in new technology, every time a new model came out I always had the first one in Northern Ireland, often I imported from Europe and USA so my expert could work out how it would talk to the networks, that expert was my son Tim who in 2003 was only 19 years old, this was his sixth year at this job. At this level I had to decide where next, markets were changing, then I was approached by B.T. Telecom Plc. who sought to buy the business and they did eventually in 2008. Then a new company was born TRRIM LTD. Timothy, Rebecca, Rachel Ian and Matthew, the Jackson family.